About Neil

Photo of Neil Wakelingn leading a group, at Machrie Moor, Arran, Scotland

Neil Wakeling was born and brought up in Strathspey in the Scottish Highlands, and has a rich knowledge and love for his country’s music, landscape and culture. He started his guiding career back in the late 80’s leading French-speaking groups on cycling tours of the Highlands during University vacations.

He went on to gain a First-class Honours degree in Electronic Engineering and Semiconductor Physics, followed by a Masters in Music Technology. He has composed several albums as well as soundtrack work.

Having walked and biked extensively thoughout much of Scotland

Neil is highly energy-sensitive, and works with the energy of the land, contributing another dimension to his understanding of people and place.

He is a sound-healer with a deep knowledge of both the physics and spiritual dimension of sound.  He also plays whistle, fiddle, mandolin & didgeridoo. (See ‘The Didgeridoo is a Celtic instrument‘).

Neil trained in sound healing with Jonathan Goldman in Colorado. This experience opened the doorway to an enormous growth and personal development. He has studied extensively in energetic techniques with Master Dowser Michele Fitzgerald, and in advanced meditation with Drunvalo Melchizadek, along with many other teachers. In 2018 he traveled to the interior of the Colombian jungle to learn from the Arhuaco & Kogi indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, at their invitation.

His love for the landscape and for Nature is also expressed through photography. At best, combining a keen aesthetic sense whist channeling the energy and vibration of a place through the photograph. This can be felt and has been remarked on by many sensitive people feeling the energy transmitted through his photos.

Further Links

Neil’s sound-healing website www.soundintentions.com

Photo-blog: www.inspirationalimage.co.uk